Leonie×Lysithea Support Conversations
C Support
リシテア: はあ……、はあ……、はあ……もう、駄目……倒れそう……
Lysithea: I... I think I'm gonna pass out... Aghh!
レオニー: うわっ! ……リシテア?って、あんた顔真っ青だけど!?
Leonie: Whoa! Lysithea? You're really pale!
リシテア: 朝からちょっと体調が悪かったもので……。でも、もう寮に戻るところですから……。
Lysithea: Yeah, I've been feeling really queasy all morning... I'm just heading back to my quarters to rest...
レオニー: そんなんで、寮に辿り着けるのか?仕方ないね、わたしがおぶってあげるよ。
Leonie: Can you even make it there in that state? Here, climb on my back. I'll carry you.
リシテア: おぶ……いえ、そんな……それじゃ、まるで子供みたい……
Lysithea: Wuh... What? No...no... I'm not some sort of...infant.
レオニー: 出たな、リシテアの子供扱い嫌いが。そんなこと言ってる場合かっての。ほれ!
Leonie: Always worried about looking like a kid. No time for that now. Just get on!
リシテア: ………………。
Lysithea: …
リシテア: だいぶ気分も良くなってきたので、もう大丈夫です。
Lysithea: I'm feeling a bit better now. I should be OK from here. Thank you so much, Leonie. I hope I wasn't too heavy... Was I?
レオニー: どうってことないよ。あんたをおぶって、むしろいい訓練になったさ。
Leonie: No, not at all. Actually made for a fun bit of training.
リシテア: 訓練、ですか?
Lysithea: Uh, training?
レオニー: 普通に歩くより、誰かを背負って歩いたほうが足腰の鍛錬になるだろう?
Leonie: Yeah. Carrying someone around is good for the legs. You're just the right weight for it too.
I might ask you to help me train again sometime!
Anything can be a kind of training with the right attitude, you know?
リシテア: レオニーは、いつもそんなふうに……何事も訓練、なんてやってるんですか?
Lysithea: Are you always thinking about training?
レオニー: 訓練だけに時間が使えるわけじゃないから。ついでに訓練ができるなら効率的だろ?
Leonie: Well, I can't devote all my time purely to training. So it's more efficient if I can train while I get other stuff done at the same time.
リシテア: ……非効率、じゃないですか?
Lysithea: Wouldn't that actually be...rather inefficient?
レオニー: ん? そうか?
Leonie: Huh? What do you mean?
リシテア: 持久力強化なら走り込みをしたほうがいいし鍛えたい部位に合った運動があるでしょう。
Lysithea: Well, for example, if you're training for endurance, it seems running would be a better approach.
If you're only ever training by cramming it in with other tasks, you won't be getting the best results.
I am no expert on the subject, but even I can logic that one out.
レオニー: ふうん……そういやあんたは、いつも時間の使い方がきっちりしてるよな。
Leonie: Come to think of it, you do always seem to stick to a pretty rigid schedule, don't you? I've noticed that you focus completely on whatever it is you've set out to do. Then you switch to something else, and focus completely on that.
リシテア: そ、そうでしょうか……?
Lysithea: You've noticed, have you?
レオニー: 考えてみりゃ、そっちのほうが効率的か。うん、そうかもしれないな。
Leonie: Now that I think about it, you may be right. Maybe that is the more efficient way to do things.
Hey, you're really bright. Lysithea! Thanks so much for the helpful advice!
リシテア: ……はっ! レオニーはわたしのことおぶって寮まで送り届けてくれたのに。
Lysithea: That was nice of Leonie to check on me and carry me all the way to my quarters. And in the end, I just lectured her! She did thank me for it, but... Ugh, I probably could've handled that better.
B Support
レオニー: リシテア、今からゴミを捨てに行くとこなんだけど、ついでに捨てるものある?
Leonie: Hey, I'm about to take out the trash. Got anything you want me to take?
リシテア: あ、それならこれを……。勉強中、走り書きに使った紙なんですけど。
Lysithea: Uh, how about these? Just some old study notes of mine.
レオニー: うわ、たくさん貯め込んだね。本当に全部捨てちゃっていいの、これ?
Leonie: Wow, that's quite the pile there. You sure it's all fine to throw away?
リシテア: もう頭に入っていますから。集中すれば、これくらいすぐに覚えてしまいます。
Lysithea: Of course. It's all safely stored in my brain now. If I concentrate, I can access any of it with ease.
レオニー: さっすがリシテアだね!その集中力、見習いたいもんだよ。
でも、鍛えないのはもったいないからやっぱり走っていこうかな。 じゃね!
Leonie: Why am I not surprised? I wish I had even half your power of concentration.
OK, here we go. Ugh...this is pretty heavy! Well, it'll be a good workout. Oh, but you were telling me not to take my training so lightly.
Still, can't hurt to get a little exercise in. I'll just take it at a run. See you later!
リシテア: ………………。
Lysithea: Hm.
レオニー: ……あれ? リシテア、どうした。まさか、捨てちゃいけない紙でもあった?
Leonie: Hm? What is it, Lysithea? Was there something in that pile of paper you wanted to hang on to, after all?
リシテア: いえ、そうではないです。……言いたいことがあって。
Lysithea: No, that's not it. There's just...something I want to say to you.
I'm sorry for saying your way of doing things was inefficient.
You've clearly grown plenty strong, doing things as you have.
Not to mention multitasking and training in that way surely presents interesting challenges.
レオニー: ……人それぞれのやり方があるんなら、あんたのやり方だって正しいんだよ。
Leonie: Well, sure. But, if everyone has their own methods, then your methods aren't wrong either. All you did was share with me, so there's no need for apologies. Still, it's probably beyond me to imitate your levels of focus and concentration. How do you even manage to throw yourself into only one thing like that?
リシテア: 焦ってるから……ですかね。わたし、僅かな時間も無駄にしたくないから。
Lysithea: I haven't much choice—I can't waste even a single moment.
レオニー: ふうん……? 無駄が嫌いって点では、わたしと同じだな。
やりたいことがあるんだろ? 焦るほど勉強してまで成し遂げたいことがさ。
Leonie: I can understand that. I'm sort of the same way. I hate feeling like I'm not getting enough work done. Anyway, you should just do what works for you. You've got something you want to achieve, right? That's why you feel pressured to study so hard.
リシテア: ……はい。
Lysithea: Yes...
レオニー: じゃあ、それ以外は些末なことだ。時間のある奴に任せておけばいい。
Leonie: Then focus on what matters to you. Leave the rest to people who have the time for it. And hey, if you need any heavy lifting done, you know where to go! The way I see it, it's all training.
リシテア: ……ねえ、レオニー。あんたって、優しくて、力持ちで、器も大きくて……
Lysithea: You know, Leonie. You're so kind, so strong...
レオニー: おっと、何だよ急に持ち上げて。
Leonie: Whoa. What's with the compliments all of a sudden?
リシテア: 良い旦那さんになれそうだなって思って。うん、わたしには理想の旦那さんですよ!
Lysithea: I was just thinking what incredible partner you'd make. Really, you've got all of the perfect qualities!
レオニー: はあ……!?
Leonie: Wait?
リシテア: あ、お世辞じゃないですよ?わたし、お世辞は言わないので。
Lysithea: I'm not simply saying that. I say what I mean, and I mean what I say.
レオニー: いや、年頃の乙女に……そうかい……。いつかあんたを、嫁にしてやろうかね……。
Leonie: Ha, you're making me blush! What a strange way to compliment someone.